Oh my aching bones. But relief is coming, and it's not in the form of pills or creams or massages.
Old age is creaking up on me. And anything that doesn't creak, groans.
I'm scheduled for a knee replacement this month, so that will be one less joint to creak. But what I really need is a full body replacement.
I'm not alone in this, of course. Millions of dollars are spent on anti-aging creams, face lifts, nose jobs, liposuction, weight loss diets, and breast enhancement.
Regarding the last one, a young teen told her father she wanted breast implants. "Sure, Sweetheart," replied Dad, "but they're awfully expensive.
We'll get one done this year, and the other later on."
When we're young we want to look older and sexier. When we're old, we want to look younger and sexier. For the women there's false eyelashes, botox, and facial scrubs. For the men there's Grecian Formula, hair replacements, and Viagra. Anything to make us appear what we are not. And if there were full body replacements, people would pay fortunes to have them.
There is a full body replacement available for those who want it. And it won't cost a cent.
Your Bible tells about it. There will be no more creaks and groans or arthritic pain. No crying over falling hair. No sagging boobs. And no cellulite! It's all there in Revelation 21:4.
Unlike the things we use to temporarily avoid the appearance of aging, the full body replacement is permanent. It will last longer than anyone can imagine. In fact, it will last forever.
We can put on makeup and lotions, kiss-proof lipstick, and other stuff to fool everyone at the class reunion, but it's still on the same old body. To have the full body replacement there's something else we need to put on, and it won't fool anybody. It's called immortality.
You've likely been taught that you are already immortal, but your Bible says otherwise. There's not an ever-living something inside you that goes to eternal bliss in heaven when you die, or to never-ending torment if you haven't lived a good life. Not at all. God's word says we must put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).
So how can you qualify to have this full body replacement? Answer: You can't. No amount of doing good deeds, or keeping God's law, will get you one step closer to putting on immortality (Ephesians 2:8-9). Nor can you buy it; it's the free gift of God (Romans 6:23). But there is something you must do. Let the apostle John tell the story.
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish - be destroyed forever - but have everlasting life.
Well, that's simple enough, isn't it? Not quite. Eve believed in God: she had face-to-face encounters with him. But she did not believe him (Genesis 3:1-7). And that's where many church-goers are today. They believe in Jesus, but they don't believe him. When he says the law is not done away with (Matthew 5:18), they say it is. When the preacher says that dearly departed Aunt Mildred has gone to heaven, Jesus says otherwise (John 3:13). And when they're told not to eat pig meat, the church-goers say that's old testament and is no longer relevant. Yet, by the pen of the apostle Paul, a new testament writer, Jesus says the entire bible is for us (2 Timothy 3:16).
So God's gift of immortality - another word for salvation, or eternal life - is ours. But can we expect God to give it to us if we refuse to believe what Jesus says?
Be like the Bereans (Acts 17:10-11), and search the scriptures to determine whether what you've always believed is what the bible says. That is, if you truly want your full body replacement.
Leslie A Turvey